Out with the Resolution, In with the Word of the Year!

With just days away from the end of 2018, and a new year rapidly approaching, it’s time for the dreaded question, “What’s your New Year’s Resolution?” But, what if I told you to say the heck with a resolution! Let’s face it, many people dread them. It’s become an obligation to set one… so that you have an answer prepared for when someone asks you. It’s something we have to do. It’s another line on the to do list. It focuses on the negative, something you don’t like, something you aren’t doing well, something you want to change. Who wants to start a new year focusing on the negative? Even worse, it’s pass or fail… you either accomplish your resolution, or you don’t. There is little room for in between.

Heres an idea- instead of setting a New Years Resolution, which you will probably forget about, push to the side, ignore, make excuses, not follow through with…. what if you identified a word of the year! What’s that you ask? It is one word that you want to focus on for the new year. It helps guide you in your goals, your decisions, and what steps you want to take. It is one simple word, in which you use to stay grounded in your dreams.

There are millions of words to chose from, so this may not be an easy task for some. Take some time to reflect on where you are, and where you want to be. Visualize not just your short term goals, but also your big vision dreams. Trust your gut, for you, your word may come immediately to you. What qualities do other’s see easily in you, but perhaps you don’t yourself believe.

I have been thinking about this for the last few weeks, and I’ve decided to break the rules, and am selecting two words. I don’t think that I can have one without the other, and in true transparency, I am choosing two area’s in which I struggle with the most. My two words are Loved, and Worthy.

One thing you can always count on from me, is total authenticity and transparency. Like many people, I come from a complicated family. I don’t have a great track record with relationships. The two have left me feeling unloveable more times then I feel loved. Don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of people that I know love me, and I feel that love from them. But, if I am being completely raw, when the people who are supposed to love you the most, unconditionally, walk out of your life, it is often hard to feel anything but unloveable. Which, brings me to the word worthy. How does one feel worthy of anything great, when they feel they are unloveable?

When I was designing my brand for my new business, I had a vision. I wanted to create a place where everyone felt loved by someone. A loving space of like minded women. A place to be celebrated and valued for who you are, regardless of what hat you are wearing. I also wanted to create an atmosphere to teach and encourage self-love. Because, I know that in today’s society, women have more reasons to not love themselves, than they do to love themselves. I also felt it was important to be reminded of the love that is provided to us by God, so much that he sacrificed his only son for us. I remember, one year ago, when I went back to church for the first time in years, the pastor spoke about God’s unconditional love for us. Hearing those words, I sat in the back of the church, crying. I don’t even know why, other than it was words I’ve longed to hear. Then, I cannot forget my sweet rescued dog, Bluebelle. How something so little, can love so much, is beyond my wildest imagination. I truly believe that Bluebelle was sent to me to fill the voids in my life. This little snuggle bug provides me with unconditional love, and more love than I can recall feeling in more years than I care to admit. My hope in creating Loved By Blue, is to make sure that everyone experiences a “Bluebelle kind of love”.

While feeling lovable, even by myself, is still a work in progress, it’s a great place to focus on for the upcoming year. I want to focus on improving my self love, and believing that I do have a lot to offer, and that I am lovable. More importantly, I plan to focus on believing that I am worthy. Worthy of that love, worthy of success, worthy of opportunities presented to me, and worthy of achieving my goals.

I challenge you to select a word of the year. Chose something that challenges you, yet resonates with you. Make sure the word is visible. Put a picture on your phone. Write it in your planner. Use it as a screensaver on your computer. Write it on your mirror.

Happy New Year. May 2019 bring you all the love, all the worthiness, and whatever your word is, and may this year be your best year yet!


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